Saturday, April 23, 2011

Daffodils in the Pembroke garden

Narcissus is their technical name.
Sorry for the lack of updates, everyone. I've been writing up my research report the last couple of weeks, on top of studying for my exams (after coming back from a 2-week trip around Europe). My exams are from June 1-4, which seems like a fair while from now, but it actually isn't a lot of time considering the volumes of information I must be able to vomit into comprehensible, cohesive research review-like essays. Twelve of them.

With regards to my last blog entry: I've been accepted into the NIH Summer Internship Program! I'll be doing research with Dr. Mike Iadarola on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of pain, which is probably the field of research I'll be sticking with for a while. I've got a tiny sublet near Friendship Heights metro station staked out already. Suuuuper excited about living so close to Washingtion D.C. this summer. I've been to D.C. twice for two different conferences, and I must say I've been impressed both times. D.C. seems pretty hip and vibrant (albeit a bit expensive at times, especially near Dupont Circle), and it's well-connected by public transit, which is an extreme plus for someone who is automobile-less like me.

Anyways, enough procrastinating. Back to studying!

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