Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cornish pasty

So there's a little shop called West Cornwall Pasty Co. near the open market in Cambridge, and I decided to try one of their Cornish pasties. I just ordered the smallest one they were offering.

It was filled with seasoned beans and potatoes. Quite delicious. My only other experience with pasties was at the Ratty back at Brown, and those were okay.

Anyways, I went to a formal dinner with my college "family" tonight to celebrate my "mum's" birthday. This formal dinner was a lot more sober than the last one I went to (during which I got pennied three times), but it was still great fun. If there was one thing I wish Brown had that Cambridge has, it would definitely be formal dinners. Not only are you served fantastic food by candlelight, it's a great way to celebrate something with friends or socialize with a society. Plus, you get to dress up and put on a wizard robe formal gown.

Well, back to reading papers. I'm like a bajillion papers behind. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. MMM that looks really good. it reminds of these indian pasteries filled with potatoes, corn, chicken and a bunch of curry spices
