Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Snippets of my day

Principles of Neural Science came in the mail today, and I kissed its shiny covers. In front of the porters.

My bike's gear shifters got fixed and its chain lubed up. Now it rides like a new bike, even though it was made in the 1960s (like the rest of Cambridge, it's goddamn charmingly old).

I drank sparkling elderflower cordial for the first time at Cafe Pembroke. It smells and tastes like lychees. Highly recommended.

I fell asleep during my stats lecture for the first time. I feel really guilty because I'm sure the professor was watching me as I repeatedly woke up and nodded off again. I hope he understands that 2PM is never a good lecture hour for me.

I found a new friend at Gonville and Caius College. She's a 2nd-year medic and she'll let me know when Stephen Hawking will be eating at their hall.

I might be going to the AAAS conference in Washington D.C. this February with Cambridge's TTH chapter!

1 comment:

  1. plead "jet lag" my cousin just came from China, he sleep all day and wakes up for dinner. I don't u'll have jet lag as bad as him though, i'm not a jet lag expert, I never got it when I went to china.
